Plantation Worker I


Oil and acrylic on canvas

40in by 40in


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  • Delivery: ships in tube
  • (Artwork Framing on request with charges)
  • Certificate of Authenticity Included
  • Prints from $200

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In history’s cruel and shadowed past, Plantation worker’s lot was cast. Bound by chains, but spirit free, In fields of sorrow, they toiled to be.

Forced to work in sun’s harsh light, Through endless days and endless night. Their cries unheard, their stories untold, In history’s pages, their truth unfolds.

Brutal hands upon the land, Yet hope’s ember still did stand. Plantation worker, strength unknown, In hearts of courage, they found their own.

Their resilience, a testament clear, In the face of darkness, they held dear. Plantation worker, in the annals of time, Your legacy, a tale sublime.

For from the depths of slavery’s stain, A spirit rose, resilient, unchained. In their struggle, we find grace, Honoring their memory, we embrace.


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