
Oil and acrylic on canvas

48in by 48in



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Yetunde, a vessel of ancestors’ might,

A reincarnation, in the realm of light,

A billboard for the young ones, shining bright,

Teaching African women’s greatness, day and night.


From Egypt’s ancient sands, Cleopatra’s reign,

Queen Amina, warrior’s domain,

Harriet Tubman, freeing from chain,

Their strength and courage, in history’s gain.


Queen Morèmi Ajasaro, in Yorubaland’s tale,

Liberating Ife, in courage set sail,

Warrior women of Dahomey, their fierce trail,

In their footsteps, greatness unveiled.


The beauty of their hair, the essence of their skin,

Teaching young ones the pride within,

Knowledge of self, where to begin,

Yetunde’s message, a soul’s deep spin.


Teach them early, their paths to mold,

Their potential, stories of old,

In every path, let them be bold,

Yetunde’s wisdom, forever told.


For in their genes, a legacy so profound,

African women, strength unbound,

Teach them young, their voices resound,

Yetunde’s legacy, forever crowned.


So let this be a billboard, a message clear,

For the young ones, African women, hold dear,

Teaching them their greatness, without fear,

Yetunde’s voice, in the universe, forever near.



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