Renegade I

Oil and acrylic on canvas

60in by 72in


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In the realm of renegade, a rebel’s quest,

Questioning religion, spirituality’s zest,

Challenging frameworks, putting beliefs to the test,

Renegade spirit, on a journey to wrest.


Religion, a structured path, rules and creed,

Spirituality, personal, in freedom’s lead,

Both avenues, to seek and heed,

Renegade soul, in exploration’s seed.


Fundamental questions, life’s mysteries untold,

Purpose, morality, stories of old,

Religion and spirituality, stories unfold,

Renegade spirit, breaking the mold.


In history’s tapestry, they weave their thread,

Shaping civilizations, where paths have led,

Comfort, guidance, in scriptures read,

Renegade voice, where ideas spread.


Yet interpretations vary, perspectives wide,

Respect for differences, in life’s tide,

Religion’s impact, society’s guide,

Renegade spirit, breaking confines, stride by stride.


For some, religion offers a sense of belonging,

Community, solace, in faith’s song,

Spirituality, a personal longing,

Renegade path, where beliefs belong.


To what extent has one impacted society’s core?

Renegade’s questions, at society’s door,

Challenging norms, seeking more,

Renegade spirit, to explore and adore.


In the dance of religion and spirituality’s play,

Renegade’s journey, its own sway,

Avenues for meaning, in life’s array,

Renegade soul, finding its way.



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